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Safe Ivf Centre

ಸೇಫ್ ಪ್ರಣಾಳ ಶಿಶು ಕೇಂದ್ರ

"Bringing hope, creating miracles - Your Journey to Parenthood Begins Here"

Our Services

Embryologist Adding Sperm to Egg

Embryo biopsy (PGS/PGD)

ಎಂಬ್ರಿಯೊ ಬಯೊಪ್ಸಿ (PGS/PGD)

Artificial insemination

ದಾನಿ ವೀರ್ಯಾಣು ಮತ್ತು ಅಂಡಾಣುಗಳು

Donor sperm and eggs

ದಾನಿ ವೀರ್ಯಾಣು ಮತ್ತು ಅಂಡಾಣುಗಳು

Male infertility screening

ಪುರುಷರ ಬಂಜೆತನ ತಪಾಸಣೆ



Female checkup for infertility

ಬಂಜೆತನದ ಸ್ತ್ರೀ ತಪಾಸಣೆ

Intimate consultation

ಆಪ್ತ ಸಮಾಲೋಚನೆ

Ultrasound Scanning 2D, 3D, 4D Color Doppler

ಅಲ್ಟಾಸೌಂಡ್ ಸ್ಕ್ಯಾನಿಂಗ್ 2D, 3D, 4D ಕಲರ್ ಡಾಪ್ಲರ್

Hysteroscopy surgeries

ಗರ್ಭಕೋಶದರ್ಶಕ ಶಸ್ತ್ರಚಿಕಿತ್ಸೆಗಳು 

PESA/TESA (Surgical Sperm Retrieval)

PESA/TESA (ಶಸ್ತ್ರಚಿಕಿತ್ಸಾ ವೀರ್ಯ ಮರುಪಡೆಯುವಿಕೆ)

Laparoscopic surgeries

ಉದರ ದರ್ಶಕ ಶಸ್ತ್ರ ಚಿಕಿತ್ಸೆಗಳು

Artificial insemination

ಕೃತಕ ಗರ್ಭಧಾರಣೆ

Test-tube baby

ಪ್ರಣಾಳ ಶಿಶು

P.C.O.D. Clinic (PCOD)

 ಪಿ.ಸಿ.ಓ.ಡಿ. ಕ್ಲಿನಿಕ್ (PCOD)

Gamete Cryopreservation

 ಪಿ.ಸಿ.ಓ.ಡಿ. ಕ್ಲಿನಿಕ್ (PCOD)

The basic steps of IVF treatment are as follows


Ovarian stimulation

The woman is given fertility medications to stimulate the ovaries and produce multiple eggs instead of the usual one egg that is released each month.

Sperm collection

On the same day as the egg retrieval, a sperm sample is collected from the male partner or a sperm donor. The sperm sample is prepared in the lab to isolate healthy, motile sperm.

Embryo development

If fertilization is successful, the fertilized eggs (embryos) are monitored for several days to allow them to develop. The embryos are typically grown in a laboratory incubator.

Egg retrieval

Once the eggs have matured, a minor surgical procedure called egg retrieval is performed. A needle is inserted into the ovaries, guided by ultrasound, to remove the eggs. This is typically done under sedation or anesthesia.


The eggs and sperm are combined in a laboratory dish or a specialized container, and they are left together to allow fertilization to occur. In some cases, a single sperm is injected directly into an egg using a technique called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

Embryo transfer

After a few days of development, one or more embryos are selected for transfer into the woman's uterus. The embryos are transferred using a thin catheter inserted through the cervix. This procedure is usually painless and does not require anesthesia.

Embryo implantation

If the transferred embryo implants successfully in the uterine lining, pregnancy occurs. A few weeks after the embryo transfer, a blood test is performed to confirm pregnancy.

IVF treatment may involve additional steps or variations depending on individual circumstances. For example, some couples may opt for preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) to screen embryos for genetic disorders before transfer. It's important to note that IVF success rates can vary depending on various factors, including the age of the woman, the cause of infertility, and the quality of the embryos.

IVF is a complex and emotionally demanding process, and it's often recommended for individuals or couples who have been unsuccessful with other fertility treatments or have specific fertility challenges. It's best to consult with a reproductive specialist or fertility clinic for personalized guidance and information regarding IVF treatment.

Our Team

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Dr. Madhu L


Fertility Specialist

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Dr. Jeevanthy P. Upadya


obstetrician & Gynecologist

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Dr. Champa B.V.



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